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Private Anatolia Hospital

Muratpaşa / Antalya

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The appearance of a male breast as a female breast is called gynecomastia. The underlying cause of gynecomastia can sometimes be a hormonal imbalance and can be resolved with an appropriate medical treatment. However, the cause of gynecomastia is not always linked to another disease and is a pathological condition alone. It affects social life immensely, has psychological effects and can be removed by surgical intervention. Surgical touch to gynecomastia usually gives good results.

Liposuction (fat removal) method or excision (removal of the relevant tissue) method is used in gynecomastia surgery. The type of anesthesia to be given to the patient depends on which method is used. If the liposuction method is used, sedation is preferred, and if the excision method is used, general anesthesia is preferred.

After gynecomastia surgery, it is necessary to stay in the hospital for one night. The patient can return to his normal life within a few days after the surgery. He can swim in about two weeks and can do other sports in four weeks.

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